As part of the approval as a manager of collective assets, the Board of Directors and the -management of Property One Investors AG was strengthened. Ms. Françoise Devenoges and Dr. David Wicki-Birchler were appointed to the Board of Directors and Mr. Christian Gees to the -Executive Board (Pictured from left to right).
Françoise Devenoges is a proven expert in the field of collective investment schemes and
portfolio management. She is also a specialist in the field of loans and credit analysis and related risk -management.
Dr. David Wicki-Birchler is a proven expert in the field of legal & compliance and in the areas of alternative investments and collective investment schemes. He has more than 15 years of professional experience in the financial industry.
Christian Gees has been working for Property One Investors AG since 2018 and built up the «Products & Investment Solutions» division. Christian Gees has many years of professional experience in the financial and real estate industry and is a specialist for investment products, collective investments and related topics.